Geo Guess Game Built in Dash - Alpha

Play the Beta Geo Guesser Game:

About the Project’s Framework Design:

As the title suggests, I’ve been working on a new game development focused around the dash-pannellum an open source component that I’ve built out to bring panorama’s into dash. Figure it would be cool to share some of the behind the scenes and introduce you all to a new game I built in dash and the goals I have of expanding the project.

Lets start with some interesting information you might not know…

In the age of Ai, GEO location focused data has found more value than ever before. For example, Google Street View is valued ~$11 Billion, GeoGuessr a similar game has recently rocketed in popularity and has ~ 15million active players. First person prospectives are being used in many different applications from logistics, virtual tours, VR and extending into personal and enterprise applications.

With this I’ve developed a multi-layered application to extend this component and my capabilities to its max. Which could be described as two separately hosted applications, a Django application & Dash Application. Both neatly wrapped in docker containers and hosted with github pipelines for automatic deployment with project updates. Basically the Django application acts as a backend system for managing all data, api and user authentication and communicates to the Dash application in a seamless way.

The Geo Guess Game - Dash

Built with a dynamic layout, their are 3 sections within the game. A main panorama view which allows you to look around the scene of which your goal is to guess the location of, A map for which you can place a marker on the map with your best guess of the location, and Game Controls for your guess submission and a next location button for after each round finishes within the game.

The Geo Guess Game - Django

Those who have worked in Django before most of this gif will probably look familiar, the django admin portal comes out of the box with any Django application which allows you to dynamically manage, add or delete data within the application. The big upgrade I added to the Django Admin Portal that I absolutely love is django-filer which does a much better job of allowing me to upload images, videos and other media types in an organized way. Lastly I show a quick overview at the end of this .gif of the django-ninja-api which is one of if not the fastest API’s in Django which allows me to fetch, games and the individual panorama scenes which are being dynamically loaded up for when you start a new game.

Whats Next?

As I mentioned, this is as Alpha as the project will ever be. Their are a few areas I’m looking to scale this project into. At the moment I’m creating new Geo Guesser Games via the django admin portal but ideally I’d like users to be able to create not only their own Geo Guesser Games, but their own Panorama Tours, Pictures or Videos! I’ve already created an endpoint within the API that support creating new Panorama’s and I’ve started on a UI for users to use for uploading their own content.

A high scores for each game played is also on the project map for new features so you’ll be able to get competitive fairly soon :slight_smile:

Curious to get some feedback on the design, what you like or don’t like about how the initial game plays and what other features you’d like to see built out in the future.


P.S. Interesting video on the economics of GEO 360 view data:


A very promising project, @PipInstallPython . I wish you the best of luck.

For feedback, we can’t run anything yet, correct? You are mainly looking for feedback from the Gif you uploaded?

I have two games that are playable, @ GEO🗺️Index

Mainly just looking for feedback on the interface and game design and any new geo guess game location or features you’d like added :slight_smile:

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I’ve seen/heard of this game … where people get a random streetview or similar view on google maps and have to guess … some people are AMAZINGLY good at this (should be geo-intel analysts)

geo-intel analysts … has a nice ring to it, and sounds like it pays well :sweat_smile: let me know if Ploty opens up a position lol

But yeah, was shocked when I found out geo guessr was the most popular browser game at this moment. Really love cartography, was such an important profession throughout history. We’ve mapped so much of the world in the 21’st century and its amazing to see how much has been innovated with the new technology available in this space to allow us much more insight with programming + cartography.

In my previous gig we did business w these folks
