📣 Dash 1.17.0 Release - DataTable Header Tooltips, dcc.Graph Subplot images, shapes, and annotations, and several bug fixes

Update: Version 1.18.1 was released since this was posted.

We’re pleased to announce that Dash 1.17.0 is out :tada:

pip install dash==1.17.0

Dash 1.17.0 is a backwards compatible feature release that

View the Official Changelog

DataTable Tooltip Docs

We have brand new DataTable Tooltip documentation! Lots of examples and best practices in here, like:

Displaying a dotted underline to indicate that a tooltip exists

Embedding images within tooltips

Header tooltips

Tooltips with conditional formatting

dcc.Graph updates perfect for Plotly.py 4.12

We recommend updating the plotly module to version 4.12 for use with this version of Dash. See the Plotly.py 4.12 announcement for more details but here are some highlights:

  • :straight_ruler: Easy Labelled Horizontal and Vertical Lines and Rectangles
  • :triangular_ruler: Adding Line, Rectangles and Traces to Multiple Subplots at Once
  • :mag: New xref and yref values for layout objects
  • :spiral_calendar: Period positioning on date axes

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