What Time is it? Dashboard Time - Using Plotly to Build Apps for Smart Watches

Did you know that the Plotly / Dash framework could be used within smart watches? Recently purchased a Galaxy Watch 4 and being the developer of a “few” 14 apps hosted with the dash framework I curiously wanted to open these projects within the watch to see what I assumed would be a terrible broken experience. However what surprised me was when not only the projects loaded up on the watch but that they also worked! With maintaining most of their functionality.

With this I’m creating this post as a PSA for those dash enthusiast like my self, to inform those interested that YES, you can build and configure your plotly app to work on new smart watches.

Interesting concept, and the usefulness of such an understanding is limited only by one’s creativity. Some approaches I’d consider when designing a dash app specific for the smart watches of the future is to create a stand alone app specific to the aspect ratio of such devices. Specifically a 396 x 396 or 450 x 450 radio would be best for designing such interfaces. You could also run multiple apps within the same hosting provided you have unique dominion registration for each, yet to have them set to run independently for example you could assign you main dash app to a domain of example.com and the watch app to watch.example.com

With this, push the boundaries of development design packages to support new devices and innovate the future with what is a powerful framework.

Check out this post and more on my blog:

Check out the components I’ve built out for Dash:


What an informative post, pushing the frontier of what one can do with Plotly.

Thank you @PipInstallPython . I love your new webpage with all your Dash components :muscle:

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