Hi ,
I am plotting the scatter plot with list of array. Which have more than 100 items.
In each items I have given the x,y as array. But its still not working .
I have copied the image of my object.
Any help is appreciated.
Here is my object.
this.Data = {x: [10],
y: [15],
type: ‘scatter’,
mode: ‘none’,
marker: { color: ‘rgba(200, 50, 100, .7)’, size: 5 },
hoverinfo: “x,y”
name: ‘’
And Thank you so much for a such beautiful plugin.
Thank You
And also Can you please advise how can I draw a line Y=x line for Reference In scatter Plot.
Thank you
Aditya Venkat
Hi Here is my Clear picture of object.
I am using Angular 5 for this.
You’re setting mode: 'none'
, that means you get blank trace. Try mode: 'markers'
or mode: 'lines'
of mode: 'lines+markers'
or simply use our default value by removing mode
from your traces.
Thank You etienne for you reply. Its worked. I am able see the points.
And I am new to the plotly . Can you please advise how can i draw Y=x line. which comes .
Thank You Etienne for all the Help.
Thank You
Hi Eitenne,
I got it working . I have added a new series.
var trace1 = {
x: [1, 2, 3, 4],
y: [10, 15, 13, 17],
type: ‘scatter’
Thank you for the Help.