I would like to display 2 data layers on the same map. One contains polygons and the other contains points. Right now I have them in 2 separate maps, something like this:
fig = px.choropleth_mapbox(coverage_lte_df, geojson=geojson_polygons, locations='name', color='scoring',
#range_color=(50, 100),
zoom=10, center = {"lat": centroid[0], "lon": centroid[1]},
fig2 = px.scatter_mapbox(coverage_lte_df, lat="latitude", lon="longitude", hover_name="name", hover_data=["scoring"],
color_discrete_sequence=["fuchsia"], zoom=10, height=300)
Is there any way to combine these two maps? I have been searching online and in this forum without finding a clear answer
Thanks a lot in advance!!