As you can see in the image i have two X-Axis and two Y-axis .
- Bottom X-axis has its Y-Axis on left side .
- Top X-Axis has its Y-Axis on right side.
I set the range for both the x-axis manually. In the image above my range values are ,
Min : 2018-01-03 14:14:22.000 and Max: 2018-01-03 14:57:34.922
But as you see the top x-axis starts from 14:15 and bottom starts from 14:25. I guess it is decided based on the data maybe?
But how can i force the range values which is given manually instead of based on the data available?
My layout options for x-axis below:
xaxis2: {
showline: true,
type: ‘date’,
overlaying: ‘x’,
side: ‘top’,
range : ,
xaxis: {
showline: true,
type: ‘date’,
zerolinecolor: ‘#969696’,
zerolinewidth: 4,
range : ,