Always show start and end tick values in axis range

How can I force the axis to always display the start and end of the range?

If I add the dtickoption, the layout honors it, but doesn’t display the 20 and 50 of the range

 "xaxis": {
  "fixedrange": true,
  "range": [20, 50],
  "zeroline": false,
  "automargin": true,
  "dtick": 3


If I remove dtick this one renders fine:


But this one doesn’t:

  "xaxis": {
  	"automargin": true,
  	"fixedrange": true,
  	"range": [0, 5],
  	"zeroline": false


Is there a way to force the ticks for the start and end of the axis range to be always rendered?


Hi @emaringolo and community,

have you managed this somehow? I have a very similar issue but with dates on x-axis:

The displayed data goes per shift (including prior 24h), from 06:00 to 14:00 which is not visible. I don’t see a better way than calculating the ticks manually. I hope I am wrong?
