Hello every one ,
i have a situation when i want tick to start from postion 0,0 always .I have tried range attribute ,but its not helping
This is the current status of the ticks.I want first tick on x -axis to start from 0,0 position.
Here is my layout object for reference
var layout={
title:’% Uptime’,
height: 160,
zeroline : true,
margin: {
l: 30,//32,
r: 30,
b: 20,
t: 40,
pad: 0
yaxis : {
mirror: 'ticks',
type : "string",
range : [0,119],
ticksuffix : "%",
dtick : 20,
showgrid : true,
gridwidth : 1,
showline : true
xaxis : {
mirror: 'ticks',
tickformat : "%d-%b",
showline : true,
range : [xPlot[xPlot.length-1], xPlot[0]],
tick0 : xPlot[xPlot.length-1],
dtick : dtickMap.currentTimePeriodValue
showlegend : false
How can i achieve that?