HR Analysis Dashboard 🚀

Hello, My Friends :heart_eyes:

Alhamdulillah, I finished my interactive Dash App Dashboard, so I’m excited to share my dashboard with you :star_struck:

• Home Page

• Departments Page

• Performance Page in Dark Mode

:spades: Dashboard Try to answer the following questions

:one: What is the total number of employees? :man_office_worker:

:two: How many job positions (job titles) are there in our company?! :man_technologist:t2:

:three: What is the average salary in our company?! :moneybag:

:sparkles: help you to be aware of the basic information of your company (business) firsthand… :face_with_monocle:

:four: Gender frequency and the frequency of your employees in each department?? :woman_technologist:

:five: The frequency of your employees through the education level?? :chart_with_upwards_trend:

:sparkles: these insights will help you know the distribution of your employees:
► What is the department with the highest number of employees to compare later with average salary and productivity?
► At your company, what is the top education level of your employees, and what is the lowest?

:six: What is the average salary of employees for each department?

:seven: Locations of your employees?? :earth_americas:

:eight: The performance rate :100:

:sparkles: help you measure the effectiveness of your performance review process.

:nine: Number of Terminated and Promoted Employees!! :man_office_worker:

:keycap_ten: What is the employee turnover rate?!?
:sparkles: helps you measure the company’s ability to retain employees.

:clubs: Features :bar_chart::

:fire: Of course, there are filters that give you full interactivity while using.:heart_eyes:

:fire: Change The App Theme (Light/Dark)

Dataset and Source Code
GitHub Repo For Source Code

Dash App
Live Interactive Plotly Dash App


Hey @MuhammadEhab welcome to the forums and thanks for sharing your app!

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hi @MuhammadEhab
:wave: Welcome to the community.

This app looks professional and neat. I love the user interface and the colors you’ve chosen.

Is this fake data or a real stats?

Render is a bit slow and it puts your app to sleep after several minutes of no usage. I think you would like the performance that pythonanywhere provides. I just created a tutorial showing how to deploy your app there.

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The data is fake; I shared it on Kaggle :star_struck:
Thanks a lot @adamschroeder for publishing this video. This video will help me a lot in deployment Dash APP :hugs::star_struck:

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