Hover Bar Graph on Edge and IE


so ive tested my dash app on different browsers and noticed that hovering on a bar element of a bar graoh doesnt show me the absolute values as it does for Chrome and Firefox. I thougt that dash was compatible with edge and ie.

Any help?

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could you share an example and/or a screenshot? this sounds like a bug.

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fig = {
            "data": [
                    "values": [gesamtnordja, gesamtnordnein],
                    "labels": [
                    "domain": {"x": [0, 1]},
                    "domain": {"y": [0, 1]},
                    "name": "NORD",
                    "marker": dict(colors=[colors['green'], colors['red']]),
                    "hoverinfo": "label+value",
                    "textposition": "outside",
                    "sort": False,
                    "hole": .85,
                    "type": "pie"
            "layout": {
                "font": {"color": colors['schrift']},
                "margin": dict(t=40, b=40, l=40, r=40),
                "plot_bgcolor": colors['bereich'],
                "paper_bgcolor": colors['bereich'],
                "showlegend": False,
                "annotations": [
                        "font": {
                            "color": colors['schrift'],
                            "size": 21
                        "showarrow": False,
                        "text": "NORD",
                        "x": 0.5,
                        "y": 0.5
        return fig

Here you have the code which i generate my Donut Chart with. Gonna add Screenshot/GIF now too.

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chrome microsofot_edge

First one using Google Chrome. (Same behaviour with Firefox)

Second one using Microsoft Edge. (Same behaviour with Internet Explorer)

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Thanks! One last thing, could you print your dash_core_components.__version__ number? That’ll narrow down which plotly.js this is.

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Will do so tomorrow at work! Thanks for the quick answer.

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1.0.0 is the Version i have.

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Hey just wanted to ask if this has been fixed.

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