so ive tested my dash app on different browsers and noticed that hovering on a bar element of a bar graoh doesnt show me the absolute values as it does for Chrome and Firefox. I thougt that dash was compatible with edge and ie.
Any help?
so ive tested my dash app on different browsers and noticed that hovering on a bar element of a bar graoh doesnt show me the absolute values as it does for Chrome and Firefox. I thougt that dash was compatible with edge and ie.
Any help?
could you share an example and/or a screenshot? this sounds like a bug.
fig = {
"data": [
"values": [gesamtnordja, gesamtnordnein],
"labels": [
"domain": {"x": [0, 1]},
"domain": {"y": [0, 1]},
"name": "NORD",
"marker": dict(colors=[colors['green'], colors['red']]),
"hoverinfo": "label+value",
"textposition": "outside",
"sort": False,
"hole": .85,
"type": "pie"
"layout": {
"font": {"color": colors['schrift']},
"margin": dict(t=40, b=40, l=40, r=40),
"plot_bgcolor": colors['bereich'],
"paper_bgcolor": colors['bereich'],
"showlegend": False,
"annotations": [
"font": {
"color": colors['schrift'],
"size": 21
"showarrow": False,
"text": "NORD",
"x": 0.5,
"y": 0.5
return fig
Here you have the code which i generate my Donut Chart with. Gonna add Screenshot/GIF now too.
First one using Google Chrome. (Same behaviour with Firefox)
Second one using Microsoft Edge. (Same behaviour with Internet Explorer)
Thanks! One last thing, could you print your dash_core_components.__version__
number? That’ll narrow down which plotly.js this is.
Will do so tomorrow at work! Thanks for the quick answer.
1.0.0 is the Version i have.
Hey just wanted to ask if this has been fixed.