Graph looks very weird and distorted

Hi team,

I am trying to plot a plotly line graph in react with a large data set but the plotted graph looks very weird and distorted.

Please find below the demo link that I have created:

would be expecting a response ASAP as it is a urgent issue that needs to be resolved.

Hey @Sharath welcome to the forums.

What are your expectations? This is a very basic plot. I guess you will have to sort your data before plotting. What dtype are the axes?

Hello its a timeseries data where the x-axis would be the time stamp and y-axis are the data points as you can see in the fiddle link I have given.

this is how my data set array look like d= [ [ 1739966676822, 702],[ 1739966677835, 702 ]โ€ฆ];
we are filtering this data set as x-axis to hold the timestamps and y-axis the data points.

Also this is just for demo purpose but in reality we are fetching it from backend and the data set would be so large.

If you are referring to the โ€œspikesโ€: these are most likely due to missing data for a given timestamp. Time axes are somewhat special in plotly. You can find lots of information in the forums search on that.

I responded to some topics concerning time axes: Search results for '@aimped time axis' - Plotly Community Forum

You need more configuration, add the following to fix it a bit, but I advise you to document yourself a bit so you can style and give more presentation to your stroke,

var layout = {
	xaxis: {
  	type: "date",
    range: [xaxis[0], xaxis[1000]]

var config = {
	responsive: true,
  scrollZoom: true

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout, config);

Another observation is that the value 702 is repeated a lot, that is why the stroke is mostly linear with peaks every x position and finally do not use fiddle for your examples it bugs a lot