Deploy Your App to Heroku with a Single Command - DashTools CLI Updates

DashTools CLI Updates

Hello Plotly Community! I’m very excited to share updates to my command line tool - DashTools, which allows you to deploy your app to Heroku with a single command.

DashTools is an open-source toolchain for Plotly Dash. It is an intuitive command line interface for creating, running and deploying Dash applications with as few steps as possible.

I have been working together on this project for the past two months to iron out most bugs and issues. Now, I would love to hear feedback from you!

Getting Started:

Installation is easy with pip:

pip install dash-tools

A. Deploy my Dash App

Deploying an application to Heroku is simple; with one command, we are able to deploy it to the web. The deploy command will create Procfile, requirements.txt and runtime.txt if none are found.

1. Make sure your app file is called

2. Make sure your file has server = app.server declared after the app = Dash(…) declaration.

3. Be inside your project’s top-level root directory:

4. Using your terminal or command prompt, type:

dashtools heroku --deploy

And that’s it! You will be prompted to follow on-screen steps to complete deployment.

To see more usage examples:

Next Steps

:point_right: To improve user-experience for everyone, I would love to hear your thoughts. I am looking for feedback in the form of comments here in the Forum or via Issue Tickets (If You Find Any) or Developers (If You Are interested).

Like the project? Give it a Star on GitHub!

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