Datepicker display problem

Hi dash community,

I am trying to use datepicker in my dash app.
The datepicker functions as you can pick dates, but it is not displayed properly.
Please see the screenshots below.
I have tried to adjust the column width, delete the html.A component above.
None of this could solve the display problem.

dash version 0.31.0
dash_core_components version 0.39.0
dash_html_components version 0.13.2

Please let me know if you need further information to help solve the issue.
Thanks a lot.

Could you share the code that you used to make these screenshots?

Hi Tom,

I tried to reproduce the problem and found out that the display problem was caused by zooming of the browser.
This is zoom at 50%,

The display should be fine at 100% zoom.

I thought it was covered by components around it.

Anyways, thanks for trying to help me out!

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