I’m using a DatePicker from dash-mantine-components in a dbc.Form on a dash-design-kit Modal component. The DatePicker calendar dropdown isn’t rendered properly making it difficult to see the dates.
How can I fix this?
I’m using a DatePicker from dash-mantine-components in a dbc.Form on a dash-design-kit Modal component. The DatePicker calendar dropdown isn’t rendered properly making it difficult to see the dates.
How can I fix this?
Hello @NMamathaG,
Welcome to the community!
There is a known issue with how this is being done, please contact your Plotly Services rep to aid. I believe the styling of ddk interferes with the styling of dmc.
@jinnyzor thanks for your swift response. I’ll try to contact Plotly support.
In case you still have the problem, make sure that DatePicker component fits his parent container. In other words, make your model component bigger in size. I had the similar problem, and as @jinnyzor indicated it is a very prevalent issue.
Welcome to the community!
I was able to fix this with the help of dmc styles API. Adding the following to style.css fixed it:
.mantine-DatePicker-calendarHeader {
width: 300px !important;
.mantine-DatePicker-month {
width: 300px !important;
hi @jinnyzor @AnnMarieW:
I would like to use the feffery_antd_components
library to embed AntdDatePicker within Dash AG Grid. I hope to have the date selection dialog open with a single click, but currently, it always requires a double-click. Please advise.
table = dag.AgGrid(
{"headerName": "id", "field": "id", "hide": True},
"field": "date",
"headerName": "date",
"cellEditor": {"function": "AntdDatePicker"},
"cellEditorPopup": True,
"singleClickEdit": True,
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(window.feffery_antd_components.AntdDatePicker, {
options: params.values,
value: params.value,
ref: this.ref,
style: {width: params.column.actualWidth},
}), this.eInput)
// allows focus event
this.eInput.tabIndex = "0"
// sets editor value to the value from the cell
this.value = params.value;
// gets called once when grid ready to insert the element
getGui() {
return this.eInput;
focusChild() {
// enter keyboard event
const keyboardEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
code: 'Enter',
key: 'Enter',
charCode: 13,
keyCode: 13,
view: window,
bubbles: true
// needed to delay and allow the component to render
setTimeout(() => {
var inp = this.eInput.getElementsByClassName('ant-picker-input')[0]
inp.tabIndex = '0'
// disables keyboard event
this.params.colDef.suppressKeyboardEvent = (params) => {
const gridShouldDoNothing = params.editing
return gridShouldDoNothing;
// shows dropdown options
}, 100)