December 22, 2022, 2:34pm
Hi guys,
I want to share a project I worked on learning Data Engineering from the DataTalksClub Channel on YouTube.
This is the project architecture. I leveraged tools like Apache Airflow, dbt, GCP BigQuery and Cloud Storage, and Plotly and Dash.
You can view the web app here: https://dummy-production-overview.nw.r.appspot.com/
GitHub Repo: GitHub - 0ladayo/Data-Engineering-Zoomcamp-Project
Medium Post: Data Engineering Zoomcamp Project | by Oladayo | Dec, 2022 | Medium
The web app can be viewed in the link below; It’s best viewed on a large screen for now. Trying to work (learn) around it so it can be flexible on different screen sizes
Thank you so much and Happy Holidays to everyone
December 22, 2022, 3:27pm
Nice work @Oladayo . I have seen this on LinkedIn already.
How was the ZoomCamp, can you recommend it?
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December 22, 2022, 4:28pm
Thank you @AIMPED
Yes, I will recommend it. The content was good and free.
I loved that I was introduced to framework like Docker, Terraform, Airflow and DBT. Never heard of some prior to watching the content.
There are also assignments at the end of each week and a slack channel one can ask questions.
The new cohort starts in January.
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December 22, 2022, 5:01pm
Nice work! I do love me some mapping projects.
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December 22, 2022, 6:59pm
Hey, thanks for the info. Isn’t the stuff available anyway? I mean, these aren’t live sessions, are they?
I registered, but in the end did not have the time to assist, unfortunately.
December 22, 2022, 7:13pm
The content are not live any longer. It was live during the Jan - May period this year when this year cohort was on.
I didn’t know about it then, so I just decided to watch the content.
With the new cohort in Jan, my guess is there will be new live content during that period;.
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