Dashboard not showing legend of choropleth_mapbox (issue not present when exporting figure as an html)

Same question as the title. While my figure will show a legend if I export as an html or image, when I launch a Dash server the legend is nowhere to be found. Do we need to explicitly request the legend to be shown, or is there something else going on?

Including an image of the output when exporting plotly figure as a png.

import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Discrete color growth map
dash_fig = px.choropleth_mapbox(
    geojson = counties,
    locations = 'FIPS',
    color = 'PERCENTILE GROUP',
    color_discrete_sequence = [
    category_orders = {
            '5th percentile',
            '25th percentile',
            '50th percentile',
            '75th percentile',
            '95th percentile'
    mapbox_style = 'carto-darkmatter',
    # mapbox_style = 'white-bg',
    hover_data = {'STATE': True,
                  'COUNTY': True,
                  'POPULATION GROWTH (%)': True},
    labels = {'STATE': 'State',
              'COUNTY': 'County',
              'PERCENTILE GROUP': 'Percentile Group',
              'POPULATION GROWTH (%)': 'Population Growth (%)'},
    zoom = 2.5,
    center = {'lat': 39.8333, 'lon': -98.5833},

    marker_line_width = 0

    margin = dict(
        t = 0,
        r = 0,
        b = 0,
        l = 0),
    height = 850,
    paper_bgcolor = 'rgba(0,10,25,1)',
    plot_bgcolor = 'rgba(0,10,25,1)'

app = dash.Dash()
app.layout = html.Div(
    # Sets background color in header
    style = {'backgroundColor': 'rgba(0,10,25,1)'},
    # Sets title, alignment, and font color
    children = [
            children = 'US Population Growth',
            style = {
                'textAlign': 'center',
                'color': 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'
            # Sets subtitle, alignment, and font color
            children = '2000-2010',
            style = {
                'textAlign': 'center',
                'color': 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'
        # Sets graph figure and ID
            id = 'US Population Growth',
            figure = dash_fig
# Run debug server
app.run_server(debug = True, use_reloader = False)