I am trying to create a map of Lisbon, Portugal with Geojson and colour the districts with the corresponding value. However, the chart does not return anything but doesn’t show an error at the same time.
If you like to reproduce my problem you can find the data + code in this dropbox folder.
Maybe my mistake is also obvious so find below my used code:
app.layout = html.Div([
Output('graph', 'figure')
def update_graph():
global data
fig = [go.Choroplethmapbox(
geojson=districts, locations=data.district, z=data.price,
featureidkey="properties.NOME", colorscale="Viridis", zmin=data.price.min(), zmax=data.price.max(),
marker_opacity=0.5, marker_line_width=0)]
layout = go.Layout(mapbox_style="carto-positron",
mapbox_zoom=3, mapbox_center={"lat": 38.7436057, "lon": -9.2302432},
return {"data": fig, "layout": layout}
if __name__ == '__main__':
Thanks for your help!