Property "table1" was used with component ID:
in one of the Input items of a callback.
This ID is assigned to a dash_table.DataTable component
in the layout, which does not support this property.
This ID was used in the callback(s) for Output(s):
I think this suggest that tables are not usable as inputs to callbacks right?
The properties of the DataTable can absolutely be used as inputs to a callback. You just need to use a valid table property - such as “data” or “columns” or one of the many other many table properties. ('table1' looks like it might be an id ?)
Yes, as of Dash 2.0 you can use the “whole table” as an input rather than the component’s id, but you still need to specify which table property triggers the callback. So the first element of the Input is the table (or it’s id) and the second element is the property. And as I mentioned previously, if you post a little more code, it would be easier to help.
On this thread I would like to ask a similar question. Please look in the code below :
the function may not be that accurate but that is not of importance right now… here i need to know when I run the callback i get the print statements to be ‘NONE’
Output('url', 'pathname'),
Input('table2', 'active_cell'),
def navigate_to_url(active_cell,data):
if active_cell is not None:
# print('active',active_cell)
selected_row = data[active_cell['row']]
url = selected_row.get('URL','')
if url:
return url
i am using the following code to create the ‘table2’ id to perform the callback :
Output('table2', 'data'),
[Input('selections-serial', 'data'), Input('selections-process-step', 'data')]
def filter_data(selected_value,other_value):
if selected_value != "No selections":
filtered_df = df2[df2['serial'] == selected_value]
filtered_df = filtered_df[filtered_df['processStep'] == other_value]
filtered_df = pd.DataFrame(filtered_df)
# print(df['tag'])
table = dash_table.DataTable(
columns=[{'name': col, 'id': col} for col in filtered_df.columns],
return html.Div([
html.H3("Filtered DataFrame:"),
return ''
and this is displayed in the Layout as :
I am not sure why the initial callback function is giving me NONE in the print statements.
This is due to how Dash callbacks work, when the component is first added, the component will trigger callbacks automatically, this is done with no triggers, etc. To have this behavior not happen, you need to tack on prevent_initial_call=True to the callback.
Check out more here:
This should be a dash_table not a div in order for the properties to work.