How To Use plotly.graph_object.Table() as a result of interaction with Dash

Hello, everyone, I am trying to use dash to create a interactive table based on the input of others, and I met a small problem that I don’t know how could I use the go.Table() to create an interactive component in Dash.
Here are the details:

I designed a callback function like below, and the ‘Single-4’ is the id of a html.Div() components, and the table does not show as I wish.

Output(‘Single-4’, ‘children’),
[Input(‘RPDYear’, ‘value’),
Input(‘RPDMonth’, ‘value’)]
def update_figure(iY, iM):
return [go.Table(
header=dict(values=[‘A Scores’, ‘B Scores’]),
cells=dict(values=[[100, 90, 80, 90],
[95, 85, 75, 95]])

I also tried the code below, where ‘Single-3’ is as dcc.Graph(), it’s not working too.

Output(‘Single-3’, ‘figure’),
[Input(‘RPDYear’, ‘value’),
Input(‘RPDMonth’, ‘value’)]
def update_figure(iY, iM):
return [go.Table(
header=dict(values=[‘A Scores’, ‘B Scores’]),
cells=dict(values=[[100, 90, 80, 90],
[95, 85, 75, 95]])

So, how should I reorganize the code so that the table would show appropriately as I wish in dash?
Thank you so much for your time


return {'data': [go.Table(...)]}