Can a Dash application be deployed on a Flask application server without the need for Dash Enterprise?

I have a Flask app where I created a route for Dash. The issue is that I can’t seem to use @login_required for some reason. After reading about it, I found that Dash ‘recommends’ using Dash Enterprise for secure deployment. Can anyone tell me if I can securely deploy an open-source Dash in my application?

Hello @JackWtr,

Welcome to the community!

Yes, you can deploy to whatever environment without DE. The issue is that you then have to manage the security of the app. Thus, plotly recommends that you utilize their resources to help you secure your application. :slight_smile:

Also, page layouts and the POST flow is outside the scope of the flask server routes which are protected by the login_required method. You can poke around and find several topics about it.