Thank you all for participating in the Autumn App-Building Challenge. The usage of Dash Pages was phenomenal and the incorporation of data visualization techniques were excellent.
A group of Plotly staff judges reviewed and studies each app, and voted for the top three app winners.
Drum roll
… And the winners are:
Liquor Dash App, created by Deepa, with the following code.
Deepa’s app took first place for a well-done design that is easy to navigate while being very pleasing to the eye. The forecasting page was a creative addition to the app. But what set it apart is the fact that it has many data exploration opportunities and it is so user-friendly.
- Deep’s app was not deployed to the web. If you would like to run it, Deep recommends creating a conda virtual environment and installing the necessary packages.
Liquor Dash App, created by Julie, with the following code.
Julie’s app was the runner app because of the great use of Pages. Lots of content was well divided using the Pages framework. It also offers many ways to explore the data and has creative use of other features within the pages, such as tabs, different types of graph, and the option to drag and drop cards and charts.
Liquor Dash App, created by Joao, with the following code.
And the third place, goes to Joao for great user experience provided through the various Dash Bootstrap components, cards, and the theme switcher. The analysis of growth as a percentage for multiple categories and the ease of navigation helped this app stand out.
We would like to reiterate our appreciation for the apps submitted by the other community members: app by Somesh, app by Tran K., and the app by AIMPED.
Over the next couple of days, a Plotly staff member will reach out to the winning community members to share a package of this season’s Plotly swag as well as the financial awards.
Thank you,