đź“Ł Announcing Dash D3.js Network Graph

:wave: Hey Dash Club –

We’ve just created a set of tutorials to help Dash component plugin authors reconcile the differences between D3.js and React (https://dash.plot.ly/d3-react-components). As part of these tutorials, we made a few D3.js components that are functional on their own. One of these is the Dash D3 Network component.

:point_right: https://github.com/plotly/dash-network

One of the really cool things about creating network graphs in Dash is that they are connecting to your Python backend - clicking on nodes can trigger your Dash callbacks. Your callbacks can update other components or they could even update the same network graph itself, progressively expanding it.

This work was sponsored by an organization :heart: If your company or organization would like to sponsor our development directly or through our commercial offerings, please reach out: https://plot.ly/products/consulting-and-oem/


Will those new components (network, sunburst) become part of “Dash Core Components”, or do we need to download them separately?

They will not, you will need to download them separately.

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Thanks @chriddyp – I’ve forked your repo and am digging into your example to see if I can use this in my client project. Has anyone else used this new feature? If so, can you share your results or code? Thanks!

Ya I’d like to use it to reproduce the feel of the Neo4J browser, don’t know how to go about it, any plans to improve the functionalities ? Thank you !

There are not any plans to improve this. This was built just as a starting point for others in the community to build off of. We also released đź“Ł Announcing Dash Cytoscape as a more feature-rich network graph component (this too was funded directly by an organization: Consulting, Training & Open-Source Development).

Oh oh ! Thank you the link, installing Cytoscape as I write.