Xticks labels multi line

Hello everyone,
My first question in the forum,
I have a simple plotly bar graph but the xticks labels are very wide and I would like them to be on multilined based on a set widht value, I have tried everything but nothing seems to work, tickwidth, ticklen…etc, anyone can help please here is my code

`fig = px.bar(df[df['RESPONSIBILITY'] == 'ENGG'].groupby('Problem Desc', as_index=False).agg({'Tot Val of Claim':'sum','Claim No': lambda x:x.nunique()}), 
             x='Problem Desc', y='Tot Val of Claim', 
             text = 'Claim No', title= 'The Sum of Claim Values and Count per Engineering Problem Description')
    texttemplate='%{y} <br>%{text} claims'
fig.update_layout(xaxis = dict(title = dict(text = 'Problem Description', font=dict(size = 18))),
                  xaxis_tickwidth = 10000,
                  yaxis = dict(title = dict(text = 'Amount (SR)', font=dict(size = 18))),
                  title = dict(font=dict(size=18, color="gray", weight='bold'), x = 0.5 , y = 0.98 , automargin=True),
                  margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=40, b=0, pad=4),
                  yaxis_range=[0, 4.2e5]

Hi @mohamed_hegazy ,

Suppose you want to replace space in every xtick labels with <br>and update the x data by using update_traces.


# replace every  space with new line tag <br>
multiline_ticklabels = [label.replace(" ","<br>")  for  label in fig.data[0]['x'] ] 
fig.update_traces(x=multiline_ticklabels, selector=dict(type="bar"))


Hope this help.

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Thanks a lot I will try it for sure, I managed to do it through list comprehension, by first adding ‘,’ at the places I want to insert a line break and then splitting the strings at the ‘,’ as shown in the line below
’+x.split(‘,’)[1] for x in df_pr_d[‘Problem Desc’]])