I want to achieve something like this:
@app.callback(Output(‘table_1’, ‘children’), [Input(‘button_search’, ‘n_clicks’)], state=[State(‘input-1’, ‘value’)])
def update_deftable_search(n_click, value):
return update_table_search(value) #1 = search@app.callback(Output(‘table_2’, ‘children’), [Input(‘button_search’, ‘n_clicks’)], state=[State(‘input-1’, ‘value’)])
def update_deftable_search(n_click, value):
return “”@app.callback(Output(‘table_2’, ‘children’), [Input(‘input’, ‘value’)])
def update_dftable(value):
return update_table_pt(value)@app.callback(Output(‘medDra_table_1’, ‘children’), [Input(‘input’, ‘value’)])
def update_dftable(value):
return “”
It means that when a particular input is selected, I want to remove table-1 and update table-2.
Similarly, when another input is selected, I want to remove table-2 and update table-1
But as Dash doesn’t permit to have same output in multiple call back, I am not sure any idea how can I achieve this functionality?
It will also work for me, if I can only use table-1 and update it differently for different input control.