Thanks np8 for replying.
I’m trying your 2° workaround, using CallbackGrouper from [dash-extensions].
But i get this error :
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\python.exe C:/Users/myuser/PycharmProjects/CallbackGrouper/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/myuser/PycharmProjects/CallbackGrouper/", line 4, in <module>
from dash_extensions.callback import CallbackGrouper
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\dash_extensions\", line 93, in <module>
class CallbackCache(CallbackBlueprint):
NameError: name 'CallbackBlueprint' is not defined
It’s probably due to a syntax change being pushed too soon, sorry. If you install the previous version (0.0.23) i think i should work. I am currently working on a new syntax, but its not yet completely ready.
Here’s another workaround with dash. Use filterable ids, and add a multiple objects that all funnel into the same Div.
In the following example, data-source-state is a Store object that gathers the result of all changes.
Each output callback sends the desired output to a Store object that is inside the Div. All the Store objects in the callbacks should have the same type. Then they all trigger the same callback function, the callback figures which one is triggered and picks that value, and passes it to the funnel output. If for any reason this function is called while none of the objects are actually triggered, then just return the same state.