Using dash_ag_grid treeData without licenseKey for test

I’m trying to use dash_ag_grid with :
dashGridOptions={“treeData”: True}
licenseKey = ‘’
This gives a result without error, with columns but no data inside.

I’ve read it is possible to use this enterprise module in a development environment
Any idea ?

Hello @Sta,

Welcome to the community!

In order to use treedata, you also need to give a getPath function, in which you tell the grid how each relates to the other.

thanks for the answer

I’ve used getDataPath in dashGridOptions
In fact I’ve copied the example Tree Data | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly
and only replaced
licenseKey =os.environ[‘AGGRID_ENTERPRISE’]
by licenseKey = ‘’

Are you only using the example? Or have you tried integrating it with something?

What version of dag are you using?

I’ve just install dag today so I think it’s the last version (Version: 31.2.0)

and just copy the example code.
Her is the result :

Did you also do this part?

Thank you very much,
it was a mystake
I’have forgotten the js file

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