Hi everyone,
I’m facing a problem where I can’t update a variable I use for filter_query in style_data_conditional in a data table. In my example code I display 6 rows with IDs and dates. What I want is for dates that:
- equal today’s date to be colored blue,
- dates greater than today to be green ,
- dates less than today to be red.
I managed to do that just fine, but when I leave my server overnight and check the next day it doesn’t update properly. The variable “dateToday” changes like it should when I print it, but the change is not reflected in the table (the colors stay the same).
Here’s my example code:
queryData = “SELECT [ID],convert(varchar,[Date inserted],23) AS Date_inserted FROM myTable ORDER BY Date_inserted ASC”
df_data = pd.read_sql(queryData, sql_conn)query_dateToday = “SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 23) AS Date_today FROM myTable”
df_dateToday = pd.read_sql(query_dateToday, sql_conn)
dateToday = str(df_dateToday[‘Date_today’][0])app.layout = html.Div(id=‘outer’,
html.Div(id=‘dateToday’, children=dateToday, style={‘display’: ‘none’}),dash_table.DataTable( id='table', columns = [{'name': i, 'id': i} for i in df_data.columns], data = df_data.to_dict('records'), style_data_conditional = [ { 'if' { 'filter_query': '{Date_inserted} eq '+dateToday+'' }, 'color': 'blue' }, { 'if' { 'filter_query': '{Date_inserted} < '+dateToday+'' }, 'color': 'red' }, { 'if' { 'filter_query': '{Date_inserted} > '+dateToday+'' }, 'color': 'green' } ], style_table={'width': '15%', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}, ), dcc.Interval( id='interval-time', interval=1000, n_intervals=0 ), ],
def update_table(n)
df_dateToday = pd.read_sql(query_dateToday, sql_conn)
dateToday = str(df_dateToday[‘Date_today’][0])
df_data = pd.read_sql(queryData, sql_conn)
data = df_data.to_dict(‘records’)return data
This is how it looks if today is 20 Dec:
This is how I want it to look the next day (21 Dec starting at 00:01):
A workaround I found is to just return the whole DataTable in the callback again but that’s not going to make sense when I have 30 tables like that and I create them with a function outside the callback. I’ve also heard something about “derived_filter_query_structure” when looking for a solution but couldn’t figure out how to use it and if it is indeed related to my problem. How do I make my table to use the updated “dateToday” variable instead of the initial one when the server was started?
Any kind of help would be appreciated!