DataTable style_data_conditional using dynamically calculated filter

Hi, is it possible to calculate a dynamic value to use as a filter for style_data_conditional?

Using a normal Dash HTML table I would do something like the following:

	header_row = [html.Tr([html.Th(col) for col in columns])]
for i in range(len(recorddata)):
	data = list()
	for col in columns:
		if col == 'Date':
			if (now - recorddata[i]['Date']).days >= 14:
				if (now - recorddata[i]['Date']).days >= 30:
					data.append(html.Td(recorddata[i][col], className='tdatedred'))
					data.append(html.Td(recorddata[i][col], className='tdatedyel'))

This would allow me to color cells with yellow or red based on what the cells date is in relation to today’s date is.

I can’t find any examples that would allow me to do something similar in a DataTable.