I have a code that is keeping track of usernames and the time they logged in for a site, then display that on a scatter graph with the username being on the y-axis and the dates on the x. As this only tracks data for the past month, if there hasn’t been a log in from a particular username it doesn’t show that username in the y-axis. I have a list of all usernames, but I’m not sure how to use them here. Is there any way to display all of my available usernames in the y-axis of my scatter graph?
Before looking at the code, may be you have to think again about the type of graph you want to use. Unfortunately a scatter plot is not appropriate for what you want to do. For a scatter plot both x and y axis should be quantitative .
while @AbdelAnlah has a valid point, you could map your names to integers, plot these integers on the y-axis over the x-axis and use custom ticks to use the actual names. You could also map a color to each name.
import pandas as pd
import random
import plotly.express as px
days = 31
# create data
week = pd.date_range('01/01/2022', periods=days, freq='D')
# all names
# current names in period
current_names = list('EFGHIJKXRQD')
current_names = [random.choice(current_names) for _ in range(days)]
# name mapping name --> int
name_map_dict = {n: i for n, i in zip(all_names, range(len(all_names)))}
# color mapping name -- color string
color_map_dict = {n: c for n, c in zip(all_names, px.colors.qualitative.Alphabet)}
# create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'date': week, 'names': current_names})
# add columns with mapped entities
df['name_mapped_to_int'] = df.names.apply(lambda x: name_map_dict[x])
df['name_mapped_to_color'] = df.names.apply(lambda x: color_map_dict[x])
# create figure
fig = px.scatter(df, x='date', y='name_mapped_to_int')
# custom range and ticks
'yaxis': {
'range': [0, len(all_names)],
'tickmode': 'array',
'tickvals': [*range(len(all_names))],
'ticktext': all_names
'height': 600,
'width': 600,
'template': 'plotly_dark'