Unable to display proper y axis values in Scatter graph

I have the following code to create a scatter line,

    for i in locations:
        d.append(df2[(df2["Parkplatz"] == i) & (df2["Status"] == 0)]["Uhrzeit"].unique())
    xvalues = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(d))

    for i in xvalues:
        yvalueavailables.append(df2[(df2["Uhrzeit"] == i)].shape[0])
    filteredvalues = []
    for i in xvalues:

        marker={'size': 8, "opacity": 0.6, "line": {'width': 0.5}, 'color': '#44A926'}
    return {
        'data': trace,
        'layout': go.Layout(
            xaxis={'title': 'Time'},
            yaxis={'title': 'Number of Parking places'},
            title='Prediction of availability during the selected period'

The y axis has the following value
[111, 86, 59, 38, 26, 15, 111, 86, 59, 38, 26, 15, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 111, 86, 59, 38, 26, 15, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 111, 86, 59, 38, 26, 15, 111, 86, 59, 38, 26, 15, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]

X axis has a corresponding time for each value

However the created graph looks like this, some data points are not at all plotted and the graph is distorted, what am i doing wrong?

can you print out xvalues?

The xvalues are already visible in the plot, from 05:30:00 to 09:00:00 with step of 15mins.

Just looking at your graph, I can tell that it’s not what you expect (just look at the last value). This is a pandas and data manipulation problem so I’d suggest you check the xvalues and go on StackOverflow as this is not plotly/ dash related