Thank you very much, that was very helpful.
Now, I’m still having trouble using the dash_duo fixture because I don’t use pytest but behave (BDD) to run my tests.
These tests look like this:
from behave import *
@given(u "User on homepage.")
def step_impl(context, dash_duo):
context.dash_duo = dash_duo.start_server(
Unfortunately, behave provides only one positional argument to the function.
I’m sorry, but I can’t figure out how to use your response to solve my problem : add the dash_duo fixture to the scope of my Behave steps ?
If you’re talking about adding a new method to the Grid class in tests.utils, that’s what I’ve started to do to perform certain actions that weren’t present initially.
For the information, I am still a beginner in the use of Selenium and Dash.
Finally, I was able to find an alternative:
Replacing the ‘behave’ library with ‘pytest-bdd-ng’ allows to use the pytest runner and therefore the ‘dash_duo’ fixture.