Dash Testing : Help Needed with Dash Testing - JavaScript Error in AG Grid

Hi everyone,

I’m facing an issue while testing my Dash app with AG Grid using dash-duo for integration testing. The app works fine when run manually, but during testing, I keep encountering the following errors:

FAILED tests/test_1.py::test_update_bond_data - selenium.common.exceptions.JavascriptException: Message: javascript error: Cannot set properties of null (setting ‘value’)
FAILED tests/test_1.py::test_delete_bond - selenium.common.exceptions.JavascriptException: Message: javascript error: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘click’)

These errors occur when trying to set a value or click on an element within AG Grid. It seems like the grid or the element I’m targeting hasn’t fully loaded, but even using wait_for_text_to_equal doesn’t seem to resolve the issue.

What I’ve tried:

  • Used dash_duo.wait_for_text_to_equal to wait for elements to load.
  • Verified that the app works when run outside of testing.
  • Checked that the relevant elements exist in the app layout.


  1. Has anyone encountered similar issues with AG Grid testing or have suggestions on how to handle this? Is there something specific I should be doing to ensure AG Grid elements are loaded correctly before interacting with them in tests?
  2. Additionally, is there any alternative approach for testing Dash apps with complex UI elements like AG Grid besides the methods I’ve used (e.g., dash-duo, wait_for_text_to_equal, etc.)? I’m open to exploring different tools or techniques for more reliable testing.

Thanks in advance for any help!

here’s the code snippet for example :

import time
import pytest
from dash.testing.application_runners import import_app
from dash.testing.composite import DashComposite
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

Import the Dash app

app = import_app(“app_aggrid”)

def test_add_bond(dash_duo: DashComposite):

# Wait for the initial table to render
dash_duo.wait_for_element("div.ag-row", timeout=10)

# Click the "Add Bond" button

# Wait for the new row to appear
dash_duo.wait_for_text_to_equal("div.ag-row:last-child .ag-cell[col-id='Bond']", "Bond 2", timeout=10)

# Check if a new bond row is added
rows = dash_duo.find_elements("div.ag-row")
assert len(rows) == 2  # Assuming there's one bond initially and we added one more

def test_update_bond_data(dash_duo: DashComposite):
# Start the server with the bond pricing app

# Ensure the grid is fully rendered
dash_duo.wait_for_element('div.ag-root-wrapper-body', timeout=40)

# Locate the Coupon cell in the first row
coupon_cell = dash_duo.wait_for_element('div.ag-cell[col-id="Coupon"]', timeout=40)

# Double-click to activate the cell editor
action = ActionChains(dash_duo.driver)

# Wait for the editor input to appear
time.sleep(2)  # Adjust this sleep time if necessary
input_element = dash_duo.driver.execute_script('return document.querySelector(".ag-popup-editor input");')

# Ensure the input element is not null
assert input_element is not None, "The input element should not be null."

# Clear the input and send new keys
dash_duo.driver.execute_script('arguments[0].value = "";', input_element)

# Press Enter to confirm the change

# Verify the update
updated_cell_value = dash_duo.wait_for_element('div.ag-cell[col-id="Coupon"]').text
assert updated_cell_value == '3.5', f"Expected '3.5', but got '{updated_cell_value}'"

# Ensure no errors in the browser console
assert dash_duo.get_logs() == [], "browser console should contain no errors"

def test_delete_bond(dash_duo: DashComposite):
# Start the server with the bond pricing app

# Ensure the grid is fully rendered
dash_duo.wait_for_element('div.ag-root-wrapper-body', timeout=40)

# Locate the menu button in the first column of the first row
time.sleep(2)  # Adjust this sleep time if necessary
menu_button = dash_duo.driver.execute_script(
    'return document.querySelector("div.ag-row:first-child div.ag-row-menu-button");'

# Ensure the menu button is not null
assert menu_button is not None, "The menu button should not be null."

# Click the menu button using JavaScript
dash_duo.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", menu_button)

# Wait for the delete button to appear and click it
delete_button = dash_duo.wait_for_element('button.ag-row-menu-delete', timeout=40)

# Wait for the deletion to take effect

# Check if the bond is deleted
rows = dash_duo.find_elements('div.ag-row')
assert len(rows) == 0, "The bond should be deleted, so no rows should be present"

# Ensure no errors in the browser console
assert dash_duo.get_logs() == [], "browser console should contain no errors"

Hello @Srujan_ra,

Welcome to the community!

I would recommend that you check out the repo for how testing is done with the component. There are a lot of complex things going on with it. :grin: