Trying to figure out the correct syntax for plots with subplots that have multiple ternary plots. Is this possible?
Here is what I’ve tried:
Documentation says the ternary trace has a field called subplot
subplot (subplotid)
default: ternary
Sets a reference between this trace’s data coordinates and a ternary subplot. If “ternary” (the default value), the data refer tolayout.ternary
. If “ternary2”, the data refer tolayout.ternary2
, and so on.
Here I set the subplot attribute in the trace
var trace5 = {
name: 'tplot2',
subplot: 'tplot2',
a: [80, 50, 90],
b: [50, 60, 20],
b: [50, 70, 90],
type: 'scatterternary'
then in the layout:
tplot2: {
sum: 100,
aaxis: makeAxis(‘a’, 0),
baxis: makeAxis(‘b’, 45),
caxis: makeAxis(‘c’, -45),
domain: {
row: ‘0’,
column: ‘3’
however it is ignored. Only the layout.ternary formatting seemed to picked up and applied to first ternary trace.
Any way to make this work?