Straight equilateral triangle marker?

I’m curious if there is interest from anyone else in having a straight-lined equilateral triangle marker? I saw one other post about non-equant markers and a suggestion was made in it of having an equilateral triangle. This symbol is fairly common and I think would be beneficial/desired by other users (i may be wrong here). I’m just curious if there is any consideration for this marker being added, and if not, why not?

  • symbol
    Parent: data[type=scatter].marker
    Type: enumerated or array of enumerateds , one of ( "0" | "0" | "circle" | "100" | "100" | "circle-open" | "200" | "200" | "circle-dot" | "300" | "300" | "circle-open-dot" | "1" | "1" | "square" | "101" | "101" | "square-open" | "201" | "201" | "square-dot" | "301" | "301" | "square-open-dot" | "2" | "2" | "diamond" | "102" | "102" | "diamond-open" | "202" | "202" | "diamond-dot" | "302" | "302" | "diamond-open-dot" | "3" | "3" | "cross" | "103" | "103" | "cross-open" | "203" | "203" | "cross-dot" | "303" | "303" | "cross-open-dot" | "4" | "4" | "x" | "104" | "104" | "x-open" | "204" | "204" | "x-dot" | "304" | "304" | "x-open-dot" | "5" | "5" | "triangle-up" | "105" | "105" | "triangle-up-open" | "205" | "205" | "triangle-up-dot" | "305" | "305" | "triangle-up-open-dot" | "6" | "6" | "triangle-down" | "106" | "106" | "triangle-down-open" | "206" | "206" | "triangle-down-dot" | "306" | "306" | "triangle-down-open-dot" | "7" | "7" | "triangle-left" | "107" | "107" | "triangle-left-open" | "207" | "207" | "triangle-left-dot" | "307" | "307" | "triangle-left-open-dot" | "8" | "8" | "triangle-right" | "108" | "108" | "triangle-right-open" | "208" | "208" | "triangle-right-dot" | "308" | "308" | "triangle-right-open-dot" | "9" | "9" | "triangle-ne" | "109" | "109" | "triangle-ne-open" | "209" | "209" | "triangle-ne-dot" | "309" | "309" | "triangle-ne-open-dot" | "10" | "10" | "triangle-se" | "110" | "110" | "triangle-se-open" | "210" | "210" | "triangle-se-dot" | "310" | "310" | "triangle-se-open-dot" | "11" | "11" | "triangle-sw" | "111" | "111" | "triangle-sw-open" | "211" | "211" | "triangle-sw-dot" | "311" | "311" | "triangle-sw-open-dot" | "12" | "12" | "triangle-nw" | "112" | "112" | "triangle-nw-open" | "212" | "212" | "triangle-nw-dot" | "312" | "312" | "triangle-nw-open-dot" | "13" | "13" | "pentagon" | "113" | "113" | "pentagon-open" | "213" | "213" | "pentagon-dot" | "313" | "313" | "pentagon-open-dot" | "14" | "14" | "hexagon" | "114" | "114" | "hexagon-open" | "214" | "214" | "hexagon-dot" | "314" | "314" | "hexagon-open-dot" | "15" | "15" | "hexagon2" | "115" | "115" | "hexagon2-open" | "215" | "215" | "hexagon2-dot" | "315" | "315" | "hexagon2-open-dot" | "16" | "16" | "octagon" | "116" | "116" | "octagon-open" | "216" | "216" | "octagon-dot" | "316" | "316" | "octagon-open-dot" | "17" | "17" | "star" | "117" | "117" | "star-open" | "217" | "217" | "star-dot" | "317" | "317" | "star-open-dot" | "18" | "18" | "hexagram" | "118" | "118" | "hexagram-open" | "218" | "218" | "hexagram-dot" | "318" | "318" | "hexagram-open-dot" | "19" | "19" | "star-triangle-up" | "119" | "119" | "star-triangle-up-open" | "219" | "219" | "star-triangle-up-dot" | "319" | "319" | "star-triangle-up-open-dot" | "20" | "20" | "star-triangle-down" | "120" | "120" | "star-triangle-down-open" | "220" | "220" | "star-triangle-down-dot" | "320" | "320" | "star-triangle-down-open-dot" | "21" | "21" | "star-square" | "121" | "121" | "star-square-open" | "221" | "221" | "star-square-dot" | "321" | "321" | "star-square-open-dot" | "22" | "22" | "star-diamond" | "122" | "122" | "star-diamond-open" | "222" | "222" | "star-diamond-dot" | "322" | "322" | "star-diamond-open-dot" | "23" | "23" | "diamond-tall" | "123" | "123" | "diamond-tall-open" | "223" | "223" | "diamond-tall-dot" | "323" | "323" | "diamond-tall-open-dot" | "24" | "24" | "diamond-wide" | "124" | "124" | "diamond-wide-open" | "224" | "224" | "diamond-wide-dot" | "324" | "324" | "diamond-wide-open-dot" | "25" | "25" | "hourglass" | "125" | "125" | "hourglass-open" | "26" | "26" | "bowtie" | "126" | "126" | "bowtie-open" | "27" | "27" | "circle-cross" | "127" | "127" | "circle-cross-open" | "28" | "28" | "circle-x" | "128" | "128" | "circle-x-open" | "29" | "29" | "square-cross" | "129" | "129" | "square-cross-open" | "30" | "30" | "square-x" | "130" | "130" | "square-x-open" | "31" | "31" | "diamond-cross" | "131" | "131" | "diamond-cross-open" | "32" | "32" | "diamond-x" | "132" | "132" | "diamond-x-open" | "33" | "33" | "cross-thin" | "133" | "133" | "cross-thin-open" | "34" | "34" | "x-thin" | "134" | "134" | "x-thin-open" | "35" | "35" | "asterisk" | "135" | "135" | "asterisk-open" | "36" | "36" | "hash" | "136" | "136" | "hash-open" | "236" | "236" | "hash-dot" | "336" | "336" | "hash-open-dot" | "37" | "37" | "y-up" | "137" | "137" | "y-up-open" | "38" | "38" | "y-down" | "138" | "138" | "y-down-open" | "39" | "39" | "y-left" | "139" | "139" | "y-left-open" | "40" | "40" | "y-right" | "140" | "140" | "y-right-open" | "41" | "41" | "line-ew" | "141" | "141" | "line-ew-open" | "42" | "42" | "line-ns" | "142" | "142" | "line-ns-open" | "43" | "43" | "line-ne" | "143" | "143" | "line-ne-open" | "44" | "44" | "line-nw" | "144" | "144" | "line-nw-open" | "45" | "45" | "arrow-up" | "145" | "145" | "arrow-up-open" | "46" | "46" | "arrow-down" | "146" | "146" | "arrow-down-open" | "47" | "47" | "arrow-left" | "147" | "147" | "arrow-left-open" | "48" | "48" | "arrow-right" | "148" | "148" | "arrow-right-open" | "49" | "49" | "arrow-bar-up" | "149" | "149" | "arrow-bar-up-open" | "50" | "50" | "arrow-bar-down" | "150" | "150" | "arrow-bar-down-open" | "51" | "51" | "arrow-bar-left" | "151" | "151" | "arrow-bar-left-open" | "52" | "52" | "arrow-bar-right" | "152" | "152" | "arrow-bar-right-open" | "53" | "53" | "arrow" | "153" | "153" | "arrow-open" | "54" | "54" | "arrow-wide" | "154" | "154" | "arrow-wide-open" )
    Default: "circle" Sets the marker symbol type. Adding 100 is equivalent to appending “-open” to a symbol name. Adding 200 is equivalent to appending “-dot” to a symbol name. Adding 300 is equivalent to appending “-open-dot” or “dot-open” to a symbol name.

Among all of those there must be the triangle you want.