Single State county Choropleth Maps with Geojson

The examples are shown in the above link all about USA level.
Is there any example that only focuses on one state and with all counties on it by Geojson?

Hi @czhao95,
Welome to Plotly forum!!

Here are examples of plotting choropleths for other country than USA

Hey thanks for replying!

I am looking for the county level choropleth maps. i.e. the county map of Illinois . Instead show the whole US map, I only want the Illinois’s map.


I have a geojson file for Illinois counties since I analized the presidential elections.
You can download it :
or just read it from url.
Its contents:


{'id': 0,
 'type': 'Feature',
 'properties': {'county_name': 'Marshall',
  'center_lon_lat': [-89.34355051659558, 41.03517190637024],
  'party': 1,
  'Clinton_Trump': [1789.0, 3785.0]},
 'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
  'coordinates': [[[-89.63683115774177, 41.148569234450726],
    [-89.46722307611506, 41.148569234450726],
    [-89.32941650979336, 41.148569234450726],
    [-89.35945127424809, 41.10370875301229],
    [-89.16334192986722, 41.10495487749669],
    [-89.04850312459912, 41.10495487749669],
    [-89.04850312459912, 40.92551295174295],
    [-89.16157517901694, 40.926759076227356],
    [-89.4725233286659, 40.92177457828975],
    [-89.447788816762, 40.97286568215019],
    [-89.63859790859205, 40.97411180663459],
    [-89.63683115774177, 41.14109248754432],
    [-89.63683115774177, 41.148569234450726]]]}}

import numpy as np
import json
import plotly.graph_objs as go

import urllib.request

def read_geojson(url):
    with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as url:
        jdata = json.loads(
    if   'id'  not in jdata['features'][0].keys():
        if 'properties' in jdata['features'][0].keys():
            if 'id' in jdata['features'][0]['properties']  and jdata['features'][0]['properties']['id'] is not None:
                for k, feat in enumerate(jdata['features']):
                    jdata['features'][k]['id'] = feat['properties']['id']
                for k in range(len(jdata['features'])):
                    jdata['features'][k]['id'] = k
    return jdata                

url = ‘’
jdata = read_geojson(url)

center = jdata['features'][79]['properties']['center_lon_lat']  #Macon County center

L = len(jdata['features'])

#Define  some synthetic data for z:
z= 10+15*np.random.rand(L)
locations = [feat['id'] for  feat in jdata['features']]
text = [feat['properties']['county_name'] for  feat in jdata['features']]

mapboxt = open(".mapbox_token").read().rstrip() #my mapbox_access_token 

trace = go.Choroplethmapbox(z=z,
                            marker_line_width=0.1, marker_opacity=0.7)
layout = go.Layout(title_text= 'Illinois County Choroplethmapbox',
                                  colorbar=dict(thickness=20, ticklen=3),
                   title_x=0.5, width = 700, height=700,
                   mapbox = dict(
                                 accesstoken= mapboxt,
                                           lat=center[1], #Macon County center
fig = go.Figure(data=[trace], layout =layout)

Going to give a try. Thanks a lot!!!

Do you have any start source of the mapbox? I am a new user and actually have no idea how to do it.


@czhao95 In a file with the name .mapbox_token (no extension) save your mapbox token,
a long string of the form


If you don’t have a token yet, you have to register for a free account at and obtain a Mapbox Access token.

The token can be pasted in your code too, instead of reading it from a file, as I did above:

mapbox_t ="pk.eyJ2la.... "

Thanks a lot! it finally came up.

The hover letter is different than your demo’s, I am wondering if it is because the code is different or I need to install more package to solve it.


I didn’t set the go.Layout.font, hence it is the default one.

If you don’t like the font used for displaying text in your plot
you can try set it as follows:

fig.update_layout(font_family='font_name', font_size=12)

where the font_family can be selected from the ones listed below:


The 'font' property is an instance of Font
    that may be specified as:
      - An instance of plotly.graph_objs.layout.Font
      - A dict of string/value properties that will be passed
        to the Font constructor
        Supported dict properties:
                HTML font family - the typeface that will be
                applied by the web browser. The web browser
                will only be able to apply a font if it is
                available on the system which it operates.
                Provide multiple font families, separated by
                commas, to indicate the preference in which to
                apply fonts if they aren't available on the
                system. The plotly service (at
                or on-premise) generates images on a server,
                where only a select number of fonts are
                installed and supported. These include "Arial",
                "Balto", "Courier New", "Droid Sans",, "Droid
                Serif", "Droid Sans Mono", "Gravitas One", "Old
                Standard TT", "Open Sans", "Overpass", "PT Sans
                Narrow", "Raleway", "Times New Roman".

But as we can read above The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Hence you see adifferent font because your browser doesn’t display the plot with the same font as my browser does.

I am also trying to figure out how to get single state counties in a Geojson object. I followed the very basic ‘all counties in USA’ choropleth tutorial on here which was exciting but I was wondering if anyone knew how to filter the main counties JSON shape file used in that tutorial to only give you the states or counties you wanted. I’ve been trying to figure it out with some dictionary and list comprehension and filtering code but have failed. I am new to Python so there might be something absurdly simple to accomplish this for any county or state my heart desires to extract from the main counties json object but even so, any help would be greatly appreciated!