SIngle hover box for multiple traces

Hello all,

Is there a way of creating a single hover box that displays data across multiple traces at a time? I know how to create a plot with multiple traces so that when you hover over a point in one curve you see individual hover boxes for all of the corresponding values in the other curves as well. What Iā€™m wondering though is if thereā€™s a way to get all of this data consolidated into one single hover box. So far in my searches of plotly examples I havenā€™t come across a way of doing that and it isnā€™t readily apparent to me how to implement. Any thoughts on if this is doable (and if so any suggestions)?


Hi @tanyasjeffries this feature will be available in the next release of plotly, so please stay tuned! It should be released next week or the one after. The feature name is ā€œunified hoverā€.

Awesome! Great to know. Thanks :slight_smile:

This unified hover feature is now available with plotly 4.6. See the example and the announcement post for the release.

Awesome! This looks great. Thank you!

So I started playing around with this some more and was curious about another thing. is it possible to have a unified hover box across subplots? Say I had stacked subplots one on top of the other with a shared x axis. Is it possible to use the unified hover feature to show a single hover box for all of the traces across the two subplots?


Hi - I am also interested in a solution/workaround. Any ideas ? Thx.

@Emmanuelle @Emmanuelle @sunshine
Hello There, Anyone found any workaround for this ? i have tried multiple things but none of them worked

The closest thing to a workaround is in this here - Unified hovermode with sublots - #2 by Emmanuelle

As far as I can tell, no official method exists.