I have a plot with 3 subplots. Each subplot shares the same x axis but has its own y-axis. I’m showing a scattergl trace on each plot and each data point has a corresponding data point on the other subplots. I’d like to show the hover information on all associated data points when hovering on any single data point. I’ve tried to use the “Coupled Hover Events” example from the documentation but its not working. No hover information is shown for any points when I call the Plotly.Fx.hover function as shown in the documentation. I’ve tried also using just scatter traces because I saw another post that implied there might be a bug with Fx.hover and scattergl. Has anyone successfully implemented something similar?
I currently have a workaround that adds annotations in the hover event callback. But this causes my axes limits to jump around when I hover on points near the edges of the axes. It also causes the UI to get stuck sometimes continually calling the hover callback function.