Show dash_table on the new page

Is there any ways to show dash_table on the new page?

Yes, that’s possible - can you say more about what’s causing any issues?

I have a dash_table and bar graph on the same page and dash_table fill with data when I click on each bar. I need to show the dash_table on the new page whenever I click on each bar not to have the table on the same page as bar graph. I could resolve this on plotly.figure_factory table, but this table doesnot have features that dash_table has.

I’m assuming that you’re using R based on the tag you used with the post. If so, check out:

The R version: Part 5. Sharing Data Between Callbacks | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly
But see also the Python version: Part 5. Sharing Data Between Callbacks | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly

The R doc’s aren’t as up to date as the Python docs, but the dccStore component is available in R as well, so the Python docs are applicable.

You can store the user selections from the bar graph in dccStore and use them to filter the data and display in a table on a different page.

Thank you for the answer. However you did not get what my problem is.
I do not have any problem to fill the table and table is completely responsive I want to show the table in the new page only.


I might be able to help more if you post a MWE. See this post for some guidlines: How to Get your Questions Answered on the Plotly Forum