Show and Tell:, my personal music recommender for Spotify

Hey friends,

I recently have made some upgrades to my project, which visualizes audio features of songs on Spotify using radar/polar charts in Plotly (hence the name), and recommends similar tracks based on them. Here’s a quick video tour of the web app on mobile.

SPolarfy has been initially created to help me explore similar songs on Spotify in terms of their sets of audio features. Syncing up with my Spotify accounts, it shows me a live dashboard where my currently playing track, recently played songs, top songs, my top artists’ top tracks are all summarized in graphics, with material design dark theme built-in throughout.

Audio features

  • key
  • acousticness
  • danceability
  • energy
  • instrumentalness
  • liveness
  • loudness
  • tempo
  • valence

Any kinds of feedbacks are much welcome. I feel so grateful for this whole community, and it’s time I gave back. Hope you guys will enjoy it. :smiley: