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@adamschroeder either you click on the cpu button or your drag a window in the biggest graph (ideally, in the “linear” segment of the curve where it grows fastest).

Hope this helps =)

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Thank you @mretier

Is the code for this project open source?

yes, forgot to mention it:

The code is a bit of a Frankenstein’s monster due to my inexperience, so it might be quite cumbersome to go through.

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Hey Everyone,
I’ve been using Dash for a while in my job and, about a month ago, decided to try build an app which works with my hobby, the English Fantasy Premier League.
Still early stages and lots I want to add but thought i’d share on here if anyone had any questions. I’ve been using Dash Mantine Components which is brilliant and also Dash Ag Grid which il hopefully be using more.
Here is the link for that app:


Hi @Kiy and welcome to the Dash community :slightly_smiling_face:

Your app is fantastic!

For those just passing through, here’s a preview. Note - the animation looks way cooler in the live app. Be sure to check out the Data Vis tab!


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Hi @jack,
I only see today your post about the WebSocket support; what did your prototype become, in the meantime ?

Awesome Dash app, @Kiy . Congratulations. I’m a sucker for racing bar charts :laughing:

A couple of recommendations:

  1. in the My Team tab, it wasn’t clear to me where I can find the FPL points page to track down team ID.
  2. in the Fixtures and Results tab, would it be more user friendly to replace the “Previous Gameweek” button with a dropdown that has all the Gameweek numbers: gameweek 1, gameweek 2, …, gameweek 38.
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Cheers Adam, you’re a legend and your videos have helped a lot too!

Good ideas, the team id isn’t easy to find at all - may just make a little info tooltip.