Show and Tell: Pip Install Python September Update

Welp, I’ve been having too much fun building out components and projects in Dash. Wanted to give an overview about some of these projects I’ve recently created to show that a lot more is possible in this framework than just Data Science.

This initial .gif of a dynamic layout, is my newest project I’ve been working on building out. Trying to improve on dash-dynamic-grid and dash-resizable-panels. Really enjoy both of these components and I feel like this new package I’m creating takes great features in two awesome projects and combines them into a super dynamic layout.
Components Used:

This project I was working on was focused on expanding the custom features of dash-leaflet from picking colors to changing map markers with an emoji picker.

Components Used:

I also developed a game! YES, apparently if you get creative enough you can make a game in a data science framework :joy: Look out geo guessr, I’m launching a dash video game company fairly soon.
Components Used:

Did you know that FEMA has an API? , when I found this out I had to explore it. Ended up building a map of Texas which shows which counties declare natural disasters and when and what type.

I updated the documentation for all the components I’ve built out:

  • Downloads Dash Swiper - A Swiper Component for Dash
  • Downloads Dash Summernote - A rich text WYSIWYG Editor for Dash
  • Downloads Dash Insta Stories - A Instagram Stories Component for Dash
  • Downloads Dash Image Gallery - A Image Gallery Component for Dash
  • Downloads Full-Calendar-Component - A Full Calendar Component for Dash
  • Downloads Dash Emoji Mart - A Slack-like Emoji Picker for Dash
  • Downloads Dash Dynamic Grid Layout - A Dynamic Grid Layout Component for Dash
  • Downloads Dash Discord - Discord integration for the Dash framework
  • Downloads Dash Pannellum - 360 Panorama Viewer for Images and Video for Dash
  • Downloads Dash Nivo - A Nivo Component for Dash
  • Downloads Dash Charty - A Charting Library for Dash
  • Downloads Dash Credit Cards - A Credit Card Component for Dash

The best part is, this is only scratching the surface of what I’ve been working on. Now is the time to get creative, learn something new and build awesome projects. It’s never been easier to code and the opportunity to innovate is everywhere.

Thank you to those in the Plotly forms, discord and company that have helped me along my journey as a programmer wouldn’t have what I have or be as capable without yall’s support.

Follow me on github to catch new dash component releases and stay up to date with improvements and updates:

or follow me on YouTube (Will make videos… idk when… but some day :joy:)


@PipInstallPython this is amazing! When did you create all of this? :scream: I think I’ll need a few days to fully explore everything, haha. But I definitely want to take a closer look at the dynamic resizable grid and your maps!

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I built out that new dynamic grid in like ~3h, the geo guessr game has taken ~4 days, the other two maps took ~an afternoon. has been my best budy through out all of these builds :sweat_smile: feel like i do more prompt engineering than actual coding… but the few years of coding in dash has allowed me to know what questions to ask wich helps out a ton.

Also migraded the company i work for to the new dash enterprise
Setup the bones for 360 live streaming
Managed 12 servers
Built out an air / position sensor generstor page supporting like 6 sensors

This is over like a two week sprint… the thing i really like most about what i do, is the work and this framework is very versatile. I stay pretty busy and am never really bored with the projects as they offer a fun challenge as they are always changing