Dear all,
I’m building a multipage app that will likely have about 30 different pages (currently without the Pages support, but probably migrating to it soon), and each page has about 15 callbacks connecting circa 10 components; Although still in the beginning, I am worried about the following issues:
For a given page, only some of all callbacks are used, and all those other callbacks from the other pages are not relevant. However, as far as I understood, those extra callbacks are also loaded to client. So, even if a layout validation is carried out and I do not see the annoying messages about the lack of an input for those callbacks, they are useless codes loaded in the client. With too many of them, can they make the page slower? Furthermore, they are shown in the callback graph, making it difficult to analyze.
I wonder if it is possible, or even relevant, to have loaded only those callbacks that are used in a particular page.
This app I am creating will be deployed only in the internal network of my company, with docker and gunicorn, and a possible solution I have been considering is to create several apps, one for each page (or perhaps for groups of similar pages), and have each of them associated to a different port. My NavBar would be responsible to point to the correct IP:port ;
What would be the best approach here?
Thanks in advance for any useful comments,