Setting up my dash on a VPS. What am I doing wrong?

Hi everyone! Im new here so please be patient :slight_smile:

So I basically want to set up python dash to run my own kind of monitoring and be broadcasted to be accessed anywhere. I already have the server which running with the specs seen below. My first instinct is to check out a guide, which I did. I follow this one here: The Easiest Way to Host a Multi-page Dashboard using Python, Dash, and Linux for Beginners | by Eric Kleppen | Level Up Coding

It seems that there is something fundamental that Iā€™m missing. Any help would be much appreciated

It doesnt allow me to intall centos-release-scl

My server doesnt want to set up my redhat subscription for rh-python36

# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="CentOS Linux"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8"

Many thanks