Setting center/eye in Plotly.js (React Plotly)
Hey folks, I’m banging my head against the wall trying to get Plotly’s camera to behave. I’ve got a 3D scatter plot and I want clicking a point to center the view/rotation on that point.
I’ve tried:
// Attempt #1: Direct camera update
center: {x: clickedPoint.x, y: clickedPoint.y, z: clickedPoint.z},
eye: {x: clickedPoint.x + 2, y: clickedPoint.y + 2, z: clickedPoint.z + 2},
up: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1}
// Attempt #2: Using relayout
const plotElement = document.getElementsByClassName('js-plotly-plot')[0];
Plotly.relayout(plotElement, {
'': {
center: {...},
eye: {...}
But the camera just zooms into weird places or flies off into space
The docs talk about camera properties but don’t really explain how to properly set the rotation center. Am I missing something obvious here?
React 18
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