Reversed x axis

I’m plotting some data and the x axis keeps reversing.

The bigger values of the x axis are on the left and the smaller values are on the right hand side

I’m just plotting 4 scatter graphs with error bars



is there any way of forcing the axis to stay with the smallest numbers on the left and the largest on the right?

This looks strange.

Could you provide a reproducible code snippet?

Thanks for the response.

The graph reads CSV values from a server and passes the values to a function to plot.

I’m still a beginner with JS however the x,y,error_x ,error_y and legend text are passed to a function for plotting.

this is the function

function makeScatterPlotly( x, y ,dy,dx,legend ){
var plotDiv = document.getElementById(“plot”);
var traces2 = [{
x: x,
y: y,
mode: ‘markers’,
error_y: {
type: ‘data’,
array: dy,
visible: true
error_x: {
type: ‘data’,
array: dx,
visible: true
type: ‘scatter’,
name: legend,
marker: {
size: 8
var layout = {
showlegend: true,
autosize: true,
width: w,
height: h/1.5,
margin: {
t: 20
xaxis: {
type: log_x,
title: xaxis_title,
borderwidth: ‘50’,
exponentformat: ‘e’,
showline: true,
rangemode: ‘tozero’,
linecolor: ‘#969696’,
linewidth: 4,
autorange: true,
mirror: true,
zeroline: false
yaxis: {
type: log_y,
title: ‘Cross section (barns)’,
exponentformat: ‘e’,
showexponent: ‘All’,
borderwidth: ‘50’,
showline: true,
rangemode: ‘nonnegative’,
linecolor: ‘#969696’,
linewidth: 4,
autorange: true,
mirror: true,
zeroline: false

  Plotly.plot('myDiv', traces2,layout,{displayModeBar: true},{showLink: false});

I suspect that something is wrong with how you specified the xaxis type. What’s the value of log_x ?

Here’s a working example: http ://

I think it might have been the rangemode: ‘tozero’, setting which was struggling, I guess this makes sense with a log scale plot. Many thanks for the help again

the log_x and log_y variables are set to ‘log’