Problems with bubble charts using plotly package in R

I want to make an interactive bubble chart, I have encountered some problems in the process. Can plotly add background images? How to do? I have tried to use ggplot to add background,it’s failure. Besides, Does the edge of the bubble represent a variable parameter?

For example:width can like size which represent a range.

The following program is also problematic.when i running,it will show “Error in plot_ly(CloudPlot_test, x = ~RT, y = ~MZ, color = ~colors, size = ~sz, :
could not find function “%>%””

p <- plot_ly(CloudPlot_test, x = ~RT, y = ~MZ, color = ~colors, size = ~sz,color=colors,
type = ‘scatter’, mode = ‘markers’, sizes = c(min(CloudPlot_test$sz), max(CloudPlot_test$sz)),
marker = list(symbol = ‘circle’, sizemode = ‘diameter’,
line = list(width = 2,color = ‘#FFFFFF’)),
text = ~features) %>%
layout(title = ‘Features’,
xaxis = list(title = ‘RT’,
gridcolor = ‘rgb(255, 255, 255)’,
range = c(0,21 ),
zerolinewidth = 1,
ticklen = 5,
gridwidth = 2),
yaxis = list(title = ‘MZ’,
gridcolor = ‘rgb(255, 255, 255)’,
range = c(-800, 700),
zerolinewidth = 1,
ticklen = 5,
gridwith = 2))

The following program is also problematic.when i running,it will show “Error in plot_ly(CloudPlot_test, x = ~RT, y = ~MZ, color = ~colors, size = ~sz, :
could not find function “%>%””

i forgot to loading plotly. i solve this problem