Problem for mesh3d intensity

I’m using PlotlyJS.jl to draw my model and I chose to use mesh3d() for my task in Julia language. The model is composed of tetrahedral elements, so i_1 , j_1 , k_1 represent the serial number of one of the triangular faces. The code reads as follows:

using PlotlyJS

trace = mesh3d(x = [...],
               y = [...],
               z = [...],
               i = [i_1, i_2, ...],
               j = [j_1, i_2, ...],
               k = [k_1, k_2, ...])

layout = Layout(...)

plot(trace, layout)

I’m not sure if there’s a problem with the red area being displayed in the picture. After that, I added something about intensity:

using PlotlyJS

trace = mesh3d(x = [...],
               y = [...],
               z = [...],
               i = [i_1, i_2, ...],
               j = [j_1, i_2, ...],
               k = [k_1, k_2, ...],
               intensity = abs.(result[:,3]),
               intensitymode = "vertex",
               colorscale = "RdBu")

layout = Layout(...)

plot(trace, layout)

The same problem can be seen in the red area. It may change with perspective:

But I think maybe it should be like the picture below:


Is there anything I can do? I’m not sure what’s wrong. :sweat_smile:

Could you please try adding these options to your trace?

  "type": "mesh3d",

  "lighting": {
    "vertexnormalsepsilon": 0,
    "facenormalsepsilon": 0
  "flatshading": true,

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That’s right, I also found out it was the lighting. But in my example, I modified the values of diffuse and specular to solve this problem.

lighting = PlotlyBase.attr(diffuse  = 0.0,
                           specular = 0.0)

Thank you very much for the suggestion. :grinning: