Plotly Sunburst returning empty chart with branchvalues = 'total'

This is the PR in Plotly.R which is relevant to follow :slight_smile:

This I guess (above the link is missing).

Great news! Plotly.R 4.9.2 is up on CRAN now and includes the underlying fixes for sunburst traces to be less sensitive in total mode.

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hi guy,
I have a problem when I try create a go.sunburst.
Please help me: Can't create go.Sunburst

@nicolaskruchten or anyone

FYI, I experienced the same issue with branchtotals in the context of dash (not a jupyter notebook). From another post (📣 Plotly.js 2.0 is coming soon!) it looks like plotly.js comes with dash-core-components

I conda upgraded both, but both seem to not work for me. I also upgraded the jupyter stuff on the getting-started page for the heck of it.

To others, i ended up using remainded and parents=0 workaround

I know this is old, but just realised that the values that sum the total must be equal or less that the parent total, otherwise it won’t work you won’t see the graph.

  • For example:
    Child = 10, 12
    Parent = 22
    This will work fine.

  • But:
    Child = 10.50, 11.51
    Parent = 22
    This won’t work, as the sum of the children is 22.01

So round the values should help.