Hi everyone,
I was wondering if it is possible to overlay a line chart with histograms? As an example, the NY Fed Nowcasting charts: https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/policy/nowcast.html
I have two use cases:
(With Secondary y-axis) I have a stock price time series I would like to plot. Then have a secondary y-axis that shows the Stock returns (current price / previous price - 1) as histograms. E.g. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/history?period1=1557217824&period2=1588840224&interval=1wk&filter=history&frequency=1wk
(Same y-axis) Like the NY Fed chart, I have level values and underlying components. I would like to show the level as a line chart and the underlying components as stacked histograms. Since the components add up to the level value, have the histogram share the same y-axis would be ideal.
I know how to make the two charts
As I am new to plotly, plus points if it is possible to do it with Plotly express!
thanks in advance