Pip install dash-emoji-mart πŸ˜€


A goal of mine, is to make components that are universal but specifically elegant and easy to use within mobile development. With this I wanted to design an emoji, icon or picture selector that was intuitive and easy for any user to operate on any device.

Based off GitHub - missive/emoji-mart: πŸͺ One component to pick them all I’ve successfully ported over this component to dash with a pip install dash-emoji-mart you should be able to get this running within your own dash applications.

The dash projects github repo can be found here (:star:): GitHub - pip-install-python/dash_emoji_mart: emoji_mart for dash

Pypi: dash-emoji-mart Β· PyPI

Options / Props

Option Default Choices Description
data {} Data to use for the picker
categories [] frequent, people, nature, foods, activity, places, objects, symbols, flags Categories to show in the picker. Order is respected.
custom [] Custom emojis
onEmojiSelect null Callback when an emoji is selected
onClickOutside null Callback when a click outside of the picker happens
onAddCustomEmoji null Callback when the Add custom emoji button is clicked. The button will only be displayed if this callback is provided. It is displayed when search returns no results.
autoFocus false Whether the picker should automatically focus on the search input
categoryIcons {} Custom category icons
dynamicWidth false Whether the picker should calculate perLine dynamically based on the width of <em-emoji-picker>. When enabled, perLine is ignored
emojiButtonColors [] i.e. #f00, pink, rgba(155,223,88,.7) An array of color that affects the hover background color
emojiButtonRadius 100% i.e. 6px, 1em, 100% The radius of the emoji buttons
emojiButtonSize 36 The size of the emoji buttons
emojiSize 24 The size of the emojis (inside the buttons)
emojiVersion 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 12.1, 13, 13.1, 14 The version of the emoji data to use. Latest version supported in @emoji-mart/data is currently 14
exceptEmojis [] List of emoji IDs that will be excluded from the picker
icons auto auto, outline, solid The type of icons to use for the picker. outline with light theme and solid with dark theme.
locale en en, ar, be, cs, de, es, fa, fi, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, nl, pl, pt, ru, sa, tr, uk, vi, zh The locale to use for the picker
maxFrequentRows 4 The maximum number of frequent rows to show. 0 will disable frequent category
navPosition top top, bottom, none The position of the navigation bar
noCountryFlags false Whether to show country flags or not. If not provided, tbhis is handled automatically (Windows doesn’t support country flags)
noResultsEmoji cry The id of the emoji to use for the no results emoji
perLine 9 The number of emojis to show per line
previewEmoji point_up The id of the emoji to use for the preview when not hovering any emoji. point_up when preview position is bottom and point_down when preview position is top.
previewPosition bottom top, bottom, none The position of the preview
searchPosition sticky sticky, static, none The position of the search input
set native native, apple, facebook, google, twitter The set of emojis to use for the picker. native being the most performant, others rely on spritesheets.
skin 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 The emojis skin tone
skinTonePosition preview preview, search, none The position of the skin tone selector
theme auto auto, light, dark The color theme of the picker

A base example to get going:

from dash import *
from dash_emoji_mart import DashEmojiMart
from urllib.parse import urlparse

app = Dash(__name__)

        'id': 'gifs',
        'name': 'GIFs',
        'emojis': [
                'id': 'party_parrot',
                'name': 'Party Parrot',
                'short_names': ['party_parrot'],
                'keywords': ['dance', 'dancing'],
                'skins': [{'src': 'https://missiveapp.com/open/emoji-mart/parrot.6a845cb2.gif'}],
                'native': '',
                'unified': 'gifs',
                'id': 'plotly',
                'name': 'Plotly',
                'short_names': ['plotly'],
                'keywords': ['plotly', 'dash'],
                'skins': [{'src': 'https://store-images.s-microsoft.com/image/apps.36868.bfb0e2ee-be9e-4c73-807f-e0a7b805b1be.712aff5d-5800-47e0-97be-58d17ada3fb8.a46845e6-ce94-44cf-892b-54637c6fcf06'}],
                'native': '',
                'unified': 'gifs',

app.layout = html.Div([

    Output('output', 'children'),
    Input('input', 'value')
def update_output(value):
    # Check if value is a URL
        result = urlparse(value)
        if all([result.scheme, result.netloc]):
            # If value is a URL, return it as an image
            return html.Img(src=value, style={'width': '40px'})
    except ValueError:
    # If value is not a URL, return it as is
    return html.H1(value)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run_server(debug=True, port='1111')

Pip Install Python GitHub stats
Hope this helps some of you along your software development journey enjoy this package check out some of my others:

  1. full-calendar-component: Pip install full-calendar-component πŸ“… - #8 by PipInstallPython

  2. dash-summernote: Pip install dash-summernote πŸ“ - #2 by AnnMarieW

  3. dash-swiper: Pip install dash-swiper

  4. dash-insta-stories: Pip install dash-insta-stories

Happy coding,


Quick update pip install dash-emoji-mart==0.0.2:

added the ability to set custom categories and their icons for example:

from dash import *
from dash_emoji_mart import DashEmojiMart
from urllib.parse import urlparse

app = Dash(__name__)

custom = [
        'id': 'custom',
        'name': 'Custom',
        'emojis': [
                'id': 'party_parrot',
                'name': 'Party Parrot',
                'short_names': ['party_parrot'],
                'keywords': ['dance', 'dancing'],
                'skins': [{'src': 'https://missiveapp.com/open/emoji-mart/parrot.6a845cb2.gif'}],
                'native': '',
                'unified': 'custom',
                'id': 'plotly',
                'name': 'Plotly',
                'short_names': ['plotly'],
                'keywords': ['plotly', 'dash'],
                'skins': [{'src': 'https://store-images.s-microsoft.com/image/apps.36868.bfb0e2ee-be9e-4c73-807f-e0a7b805b1be.712aff5d-5800-47e0-97be-58d17ada3fb8.a46845e6-ce94-44cf-892b-54637c6fcf06'}],
                'native': '',
                'unified': 'custom',

app.layout = html.Div([
       categories=['activity', 'custom'],
       categoryIcons={'activity': {'svg': '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path d="M57.89 397.2c-6.262-8.616-16.02-13.19-25.92-13.19c-23.33 0-31.98 20.68-31.98 32.03c0 6.522 1.987 13.1 6.115 18.78l46.52 64C58.89 507.4 68.64 512 78.55 512c23.29 0 31.97-20.66 31.97-32.03c0-6.522-1.988-13.1-6.115-18.78L57.89 397.2zM496.1 352c-44.13 0-79.72 35.75-79.72 80s35.59 80 79.72 80s79.91-35.75 79.91-80S540.2 352 496.1 352zM640 99.38c0-13.61-4.133-27.34-12.72-39.2l-23.63-32.5c-13.44-18.5-33.77-27.68-54.12-27.68c-13.89 0-27.79 4.281-39.51 12.8L307.8 159.7C262.2 192.8 220.4 230.9 183.4 273.4c-24.22 27.88-59.18 63.99-103.5 99.63l56.34 77.52c53.79-35.39 99.15-55.3 127.1-67.27c51.88-22 101.3-49.87 146.9-82.1l202.3-146.7C630.5 140.4 640 120 640 99.38z"/></svg>', 'people': 'https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.vecteezy.com%2Fsystem%2Fresources%2Fpreviews%2F000%2F379%2F228%2Foriginal%2Fcool-emoji-vector-icon.jpg'}, 'custom': {'svg': '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="0.92em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 256 280"><path fill="#991b21" d="M70.882 129.428s-3.212-.666-4.155-.381c-.943.285-6.33-.66-8.693-2.37c-2.364-1.703-4.725-.47-6.897-1.8c-2.17-1.328-5.48-1.139-7.933-1.232c-2.456-.093-5.575.093-6.71 1.61c-1.133 1.516-5.571 6.164-7.177 8.057c-1.606 1.896-8.124 8.719-10.675 9.76c0 0 .66 1.046.283 1.802c-.379.762-.095 2.937-.095 3.698c0 .762.188 1.989-.469 2.75c-.665.76-1.041 1.99-1.041 2.463c0 .474-.758 2.18 0 4.457c.755 2.276 1.414 4.832-1.702 3.791c-3.118-1.04-2.456-3.884-5.005-3.983c-2.548-.093-5.855 0-6.801-3.503c-.949-3.51-2.74-9.48-3.119-10.429c-.376-.945-1.698-5.306.758-9.097c2.456-3.79 2.928-6.541 3.307-7.396c.376-.852 2.173-6.256 3.492-7.018c1.322-.759.848-3.128 1.606-4.169c.755-1.043.471-2.75.943-3.698c.471-.948.662-3.695 1.322-5.78c.662-2.084 2.835-5.311 4.157-7.015c1.322-1.704 2.08-4.262 2.08-5.117c0-.854-.471-2.651 1.698-4.169c2.17-1.517 6.044-6.445 6.423-7.204c0-.189 0-3.695-.19-4.928c-.189-1.233-.472-2.37.754-2.843c1.233-.477 2.93-1.52 2.93-1.52s-1.178-1.515-3.73-2.796C23.692 70.09 16.04 61.416 15.333 56.3c-.711-5.12-.995-13.224 5.95-16.067c6.945-2.847 14.594-4.41 15.731-4.55c1.134-.141 5.1-.996 6.661.14c0 0-1.7-.281-2.408 0c-.71.286 3.396.145 4.39 1.281c0 0-1.982-.567-3.116-.426c-1.131.141 1.985 1.422 2.552 2.418c.564.995 2.692 1.706 2.408 3.272c-.28 1.563-.424 3.98-.143 4.69c.287.712.994 1.992 1.137 3.98c.143 1.992.71 4.695 1.274 5.972c.568 1.281 1.985 5.261 1.418 8.104c0 0 .567 1.422 3.4-1.847c2.835-3.272 5.67-3.84 7.085-3.84c1.417 0 3.545-1.424 4.96-.854c1.42.57 2.98-.14 4.68.285c1.697.426 8.782 0 10.343-.57c1.555-.57 6.942-1.28 8.073-1.28c1.134 0-1.414-1.848.71-3.27c2.128-1.421-2.268-2.132.994-6.253c3.256-4.124.138-5.261-.426-6.113c-.565-.855-.708-3.557-.708-5.12c0-1.565-.424-5.545-.424-5.545l.567-.711s-.457-.756-.906-1.024c-.447-.268-.893-1.881-1.247-2.956c-.362-1.075-4.289-6.9-5.448-7.794c-1.162-.9-1.34-2.24-1.162-3.495c.18-1.258 1.07-2.33.892-3.675c-.18-1.343-.09-3.134-.18-3.76c-.086-.63.18-4.39.986-4.748c0 0 .623-.27.893.624c0 0-.45-3.134.533-3.134c0 0 1.162-.358 1.608 1.255c.444 1.614.893 2.508.983 2.956c.09.449.446 1.162.446 1.162s.98-.442 1.786-.087c.802.358 1.341.716 1.341 1.165c0 .448 0-.358.983-.358c.98 0 1.875-.271 2.144.716c.264.985.447 1.704.534 2.688c.092.985.27 1.792.626 2.508c.359.717.89 1.969.89 3.673c0 1.703.628 4.837.895 6.273c.267 1.433 3.304 6.987 3.304 6.987s4.643.897 6.785.449c2.144-.449 5.892.358 5.448 2.33c-.446 1.968-.713 7.793-.892 12.363c-.18 4.57-.896 13.438-1.609 16.575c-.716 3.134-5.09 11.288-6.874 12.631c-1.783 1.346-3.75 2.24-8.66 4.57a849.844 849.844 0 0 1-10.628 4.928s3.037 4.298 3.75 4.57c.713.267.626-.627 1.516-.272c.444.178 1.985.785 1.005.381c-.002.038 5.38 1.42 5.38 1.42c.515-.01.834-.104.77-.41c-.27-1.251.983-2.863 1.516-3.224c.537-.358-.803 1.612 0 2.506c.806.899 12.348-2.531 12.132-1.917c-.213.615.626.662 1.362.085c.73-.575 3.788-2.574 5.968-2.565c2.185.01 7.127.448 8.453-.037c1.325-.482 7.352-4.214 9.365-5.2c2.008-.993 8.948-.897 11.877-2.876c2.929-1.981 9.38-6.618 12.103-8.306c2.722-1.686 22.916-14.077 27.224-14.75c4.308-.674 14.634-4.761 16.403-6.027c1.77-1.263 7.335-4.338 8.45-5.302c1.118-.964 6.701 1.486 9.61 5.638c0 0 5.676-2.788 6.9-2.895c1.222-.107 3.485-1.689 5.221-3.022c1.738-1.336 6.973-4.873 9.262-5.992c0 0 1.157-.51 1.379-1.325c.221-.815 1.145-2.37 1.977-2.05c0 0 1.822-2.333 2.56-1.631c0 0 1.602-1.52 2.52-.694c0 0 .907.13 1.213.62c0 0 1.151-.933 1.685-.225c0 0 .831-.942 2.233.163c0 0 .932 1.153-.784 3.273c0 0-1.075.558-1.828 2.114c-.747 1.556-2.84 4.513-5.13 5.671c-2.298 1.159-4.95 3.194-4.85 7.354c.1 4.163-1.666 9.003-6.022 7.915c-4.355-1.088-8.175.38-11.988 2.463c0 0-.335 2.2-.702 2.723c-.371.522-2.076.353-4.42 1.827c-2.343 1.471-3.772 2.024-5.62 3.41c-1.85 1.387-2.247 2.323-3.803 3.047c-1.555.73-3.302 2.71-4.333 3.806c-1.036 1.093-4.847 3.785-9.351 5.984c-4.508 2.201-23.034 8.834-27.317 12.32c-4.288 3.487-12.17 9.733-24.134 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    Output('output', 'children'),
    Input('input', 'value')
def update_output(value):
    # Check if value is a URL
        result = urlparse(value)
        if all([result.scheme, result.netloc]):
            # If value is a URL, return it as an image
            return html.Img(src=value, style={'width': '40px'})
    except ValueError:
    # If value is not a URL, return it as is
    return html.H1(value)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run_server(debug=True, port='1111')